09 11 月 [東京] 第四日Part II – 表参道、南青山 – ピエール・エルメ・パリ(Pierre Hermé)

“表参道”最出名既就緊係佢既名店啦,有好多世界各地既名牌都會係呢度搵到,聽講仲有人覺得佢係東京既香舍大道(Champs-Elysees)。睇相既話,你又覺得似唔似呢?你問我既話,我覺得舖頭方面就好似啦,但感覺同氣氛都好唔同,佢冇悠閒既露天餐廳,又冇古式既歐洲建築物;我都係鍾意香舍大道既感覺多D。 我地都冇乜去行名店,因為明知日本買明牌係超唔抵既,都係費事入去俾我見到樣鍾意既日本限定品,甘個銀包就唔掂囉,哈哈

都行左好耐啦,係時侯食lunch啦。稔住飯後去”Pierre Hermé”到買甜品食,今餐lunch就唔稔住食甘飽啦,不如就去試下美國麥記冇既”えびフイレオ”(蝦漢堡飽)啦。睇下麥包張相,估下佢係覺得個”えびフイレオ”好味呢?定係想話個model好正?哈哈,識麥包既人就會知道佢係唔食蝦架,甘又點會覺得個飽好味先得架?緊係講緊個model啦。我都覺得”蛯原由里”好靚,佢係日本雜誌”CanCam”既專屬紅model;唔知係咪佢個名叫”蛯”=えび=蝦,所以麥記就搵佢黎賣廣告呢?

食完lunch,去買甜品囉~!Pierre Hermé 14歲就拜Lenotre創始人Gaston Lenotre學藝,由學徒一路做到Lenotre既executive chef,之後轉左去做Laduree同Fauchon既pastry chef。1998年,佢去左東京開佢自己既第一間甜品點,出左名之後先返巴黎開店。佢最出名既就係Macaron(杏仁小圓餅)同”Ispahan”。聽講話Pierre Hermé既macaron極富創造力同想像力,口感綿密複雜

我最想食既就係佢地好出名既”Ispahan”:上下係玫瑰味既大型macaron,夾住中間既蕃盆子(raspberry), 而個內餡就係新鮮既荔枝同cream。(食得太快,唔幾得影個橫切面忝)真係好好味,唔會太甜,嘻嘻~
綠色既係Pistache(開心果),紅色既係Rose(玫瑰),而黃色既就係citron(檸檬)。Pierre Hermé 既真係好味過我以前食過既好多,外層鬆脆,裡面好chewy,嘻嘻,喔~!
【巴黎】令人傾心的《Pierre Hermé》
Posted at 15:28h, 10 11 月Hi!<br />
<br />
The desserts look soooo good!!! So yummy~~ i need to see go next time.<br />
When you were at the "BRAND NAME" street — did you see the large toy store?<br />
The toy store has a lot of the miniture food you collect..the same brand!!<br />
<br />
When i was there in June — it was raining ….and I don't like it coz you cannot<br />
just cross to the opposite street easily!<br />
<br />
Glad you tried the shrimp burger :)<br />
<br />
My email is WIP..80% completed — 😛
Posted at 02:42h, 11 11 月Hey,<br />
<br />
Yup, check it out next time, it was goooooood~! The one I went was right across <br />
from "青山學院"; but they have smaller stores located right in the basement levels<br />
of department stores.<br />
<br />
Really? There's a big toy store on Omotesando? We didn't see it at all~! @_@ In<br />
fact, I was having trouble finding stores selling miniatures…too bad :(<br />
<br />
Yup, shrimp burger's not bad..yum yum…<br />
<br />
No worries, take you time on the email~ ^^
Posted at 11:12h, 28 12 月I'm back!!! Tokyo in 48 hours is too short!! And, I just read my <br />
own entry (nov 10_08). I DID visit that large toy store i <br />
mentioned, it's called "KIDDY LAND"~~ I didn't buy any rement <br />
there, but hello kitty stuff..<br />
<br />
rement-hunting was such a disapointment! Although, i went to 5-6 <br />
toy stores..in various parts of tokyo..i didn't buy many!<br />
<br />
But, I did visit Pierre Herme! I should have re-read this blog <br />
again before going!!! <br />
<br />
Show u pics later…i had to secretly take it coz they don't allow <br />
版主回覆:(12/28/2008 09:40:51 PM)
Ohh, that's too bad! How come you didn't buy many?
Can't find many discontinued sets in Tokyo?
How do you like Pierre Herme?
I've heard about “no pics allowed in Pierre Herme” before,
but when I took pictures after ordering, they didn't say
anything, I was going around and took at least 5-6 pics in
a very obvious way.
Sure sure, show me some pics from your trip 🙂
Posted at 11:13h, 28 12 月I meant..Nov 10_07!
版主回覆:(12/28/2008 09:41:18 PM)
Got it ^^
Posted at 16:02h, 29 12 月No..there weren't any discontinued sets in Tokyo..pretty much the <br />
same thing in HK…and it's not cheaper either! I can't find my <br />
megahouse cake display case….A lot of stores are 'disney'-<br />
oriented! I did see the MINI-house tho… <br />
<br />
Pierre Herme..the 2000 Feuille was REAL GOOD! I think my isaphan <br />
was only so-so..i like the 2000 Feuille a lot more! One of the best <br />
cakes i ever had!<br />
<br />
Will share you my MIkimoto lounge experience through email as well!!
版主回覆:(12/29/2008 07:43:53 PM)
That's too bad. I thought Tokyo would have more discontinued
set 🙁 Well, maybe focus on ebay for the discontinued set then!
How do you like the mini-house? I'm not so thrilled about the
disney theme either.
2000 Feuille? What is it made of? You have to show me a
picture ^^
No problem, take your time on the email.