19 1 月 【食記】越南牛肉粉《Pho One》

這間《Pho One》位於唐人街﹐其實並不是我們常光顧的一間﹐但當天剛好有帶相機﹐就拍了照片PO一下文好了。店內雖然裝橫普通﹐但還算很乾淨﹐service比起其他越南牛肉粉店來說算很好。我點了一份小的越南生肉粉﹐湯頭味道和我們平常去的店比起上來較清淡﹐我覺得還不錯吃喔。

↓ 另外還點了這杯看起來有點恐怖(底下綠色一條條的)﹐喝起來很美味的三色冰。
Posted at 22:09h, 19 1 月我跟老公也超愛的耶>///<
版主回覆:(01/20/2011 05:50:51 PM)
May Ho
Posted at 07:38h, 20 1 月Where is this one exactly at? I never been there.. I like "what the pho" @ Bellevue.. we used to go to the one at MLK..
版主回覆:(01/20/2011 05:56:19 PM)
It’s actually quite close to "Tamarind Tree", I don’t know the exact address though as I’ve only been there once :p
I wanted to try "what the pho" but never had a chance despite the fact that I drove by it all the time!
Umm… MLK area… I try to avoid that area if I can… isn’t it quite scary?
May Ho
Posted at 05:32h, 22 1 月well.. I used to live there when I first come to seattle in MLK..it is not that scary as what you think.. I got from viet-chinese friend.. she mentioned few stores are very good.. they do have the crab meat noodle that you mention..I love it too..
版主回覆:(01/22/2011 06:38:42 PM)
Glad that you also like the crab meat noodle soup (^^ )v
Umm…maybe it was one bad experience in MLK? There were many wary eyes, as if they were trying to tell us that we didn’t belong there (my guess only)…
But I see what you’re saying…. I used to go to NYC’s chinatown without no worries at all, it’s more about "getting used to" the admosphere?….heehee…