09 2 月 【香港】Le Salon de Thé de Joël Robuchon

《Joël Robuchon》係一家高級法國餐廳品牌﹐由最年輕取得Michelin三星名廚Joël Robuchon創辦﹐喺世界多個城市包括巴黎﹐倫敦﹐拉斯維加斯﹐紐約﹐摩洛哥﹐東京﹐香港同澳門設有分店。《Joël Robuchon》入面都有分等級﹐香港呢間《L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon》就屬於比較casual嘅﹐係Michelin二星﹐由Joël Robuchon嘅兩個日籍徒弟打理。
我同麥包喺中環行完街﹐有少少肚餓﹐就去咗《L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon》樓下嘅《Le Salon de Thé de Joël Robuchon》到食件蛋糕啦。《Le Salon de Thé de Joël Robuchon》主要係賣麵包同pastries嘅﹐成間係用黑撞紅嘅佈置﹐好sharp﹐好靚。

『La tarte aux fruits rouges』
係蛋糕櫃入面最靚﹐最吸引我嘅係呢件裝飾得好靚嘅覆盆子(raspberry)塔。上面嘅覆盆子好新鮮﹐加埋個tart入面嘅custard cream一齊食﹐好味。哈哈﹐不過呢件其實係麥包嘅﹐我只係試咗少少咋。
『Le mont-blanc à notre façon』
就喺我食緊個美味嘅栗子塔嘅時候﹐見到隔離有兩個太太食緊個high tea set﹐睇落好似樣樣嘢都整得好靚咁喎﹐搞到我到好想食添。但之後仲要返屋企食飯﹐唯有下次有機會先喇。
《Joël Robuchon》果然係名不虛傳﹐淨係食pastry都覺得好正﹐可惜西雅圖無分店﹐最近嘅都要去到Las Vegas﹐唔係真係想即刻去試下。等我將佢定入我下次去旅行必食嘅餐廳先﹐最想去東京惠比壽嗰間﹐成間城堡咁。嘻嘻﹐不過就要帶多D”彈藥”先得喇。因為佢嘅餐廳收費就唔會咁平喔~
Joël Robuchon(worldwide official website)
Le Salon de Thé & L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon(Hong Kong)
Shop 315, The Landmark, Central, Hong Kong
Posted at 13:16h, 10 2 月Eee…i live in HK..and work so close to Landmark..but, yet…I <br />
didn't even know this exist! Gotta try it one time sin 😀 Really <br />
lots of cake shops in hk!!!
版主回覆:(02/10/2009 05:15:54 PM)
Ohh, you didn't know? You should try this one out, I think
it's better than Mo Bar^^
Posted at 14:16h, 11 2 月ooo…yes..will put on my to-go list!
版主回覆:(02/11/2009 07:39:39 PM)
If you're going to try the afternoon tea set or the 《L'Atelier
de Joël Robuchon》, let me know how it goes 🙂