Re-ment – ご褒美ケーキ(Special Cake)


呢款名為”Special Birthday”嘅就係生日蛋糕



呢款就叫”Pâtisserie Collection”﹐基本上就係各式唔同嘅法式甜品。款款都整得唔差㗎。



【同分類上一篇】:Megahouse - 『ピエール・エルメ』のお菓子 (Pierre Hermé 第一彈)
【同分類下一篇】:鎧塚俊彦- Sweet Figure Part 2
  • Mel
    Posted at 17:01h, 25 11 月 回覆

    Guess what..after going to my friend&#39;s house last weekend..i was <br />
    inspired to collect minitures! Approved by P as well — he used to <br />
    ban me from buying when I wanted to buy …saying that these stuff <br />
    will &#39;occupy&#39; space! Now that we are settled in our new home…i <br />
    have started my &#39;hunting&#39; of these collectibles!!<br />
    <br />
    Got a few collections over the weekend + today @ wan chai toy <br />
    street ! 😀
    版主回覆:(11/25/2008 10:52:06 PM)
    Cooool~! Welcome to the club~! ^__^

    Which collections did you buy? I didn't get any this time
    in HK as I had no time to check out the recent new release.
    I'm waiting for another cake set to come out by the end
    of the year.

  • Mel
    Posted at 16:31h, 26 11 月 回覆

    So far…i just bought a few boxes without knowing what is <br />
    inside!! 😀 I got a kyoto collection…a beauty store furniture..a <br />
    chocolate…fruits..and the cafe table 😀 Such a variety eh!! The <br />
    newest collections in Dec are PINK and a japanese table~~ <br />
    <br />
    Yes..been on Ebay every night! HK doesn&#39;t have much variety 🙁 I <br />
    went to SOGO tonight, wan chai&#39;s toy street yesterday and a couple <br />
    toy store in cwb..but, they only have a lot <br />
    of &#39;disney&#39;, &#39;animals&#39;, &#39;clothes/shoes&#39; which i&#39;m not very into!!!
    版主回覆:(11/27/2008 01:42:43 AM)
    Sounds like you bought individual boxes instead of a whole
    set? I was thinking of buying a cafe table for my “cake
    shop” (still work in progress), but didn't have time to
    find it this time in HK.

    Ebay is a good place to find miniatures, but also quite
    expensive with a high shipping cost. A lot of those I got
    from ebay were actually sold by HK sellers; maybe you
    should go to MK, you'll find more varieties there.

  • Mel
    Posted at 14:40h, 28 11 月 回覆

    Yup! Got 3 more individual boxes today.and they happened to be the <br />
    ones I LIKE!!! Yes! I thought of Cake cafe too..since I like the <br />
    fruits, cakes and desserts, drinks items…I bought the cake <br />
    display case on ebay too!! But, you&#39;re right, EBAY is much more $$ <br />
    + I&#39;m also combining it with MUJI&#39;s arcyllic cases as show cases 😛 <br />
    Then, eventually, I&#39;ll expand into kitchen (the problem is, the <br />
    urnitures are not very "HIP") MK eh? Maybe i&#39;ll try, my friend said <br />
    TSUEN WAN has too! But discontinued items, easier to find on Ebay. <br />
    Megahouse is not producing anymore eh? I just got one of their <br />
    older cake sets for $9.99 USD :D! (but, i find, are less <br />
    版主回覆:(11/28/2008 11:00:55 PM)
    You're so lucky~! I've bought random boxes once, it ended
    up to be something I didn't like; then no more random boxes
    for me :p

    I have that cake display case too, got it from an American
    seller, but also for a high price 🙁 I saw a “hip”
    funiture set in “Festwalk” this time when I was back to HK,
    if you're interested, I can send you the link of the
    furniture set, but those are not re-ment.

    I agree, Megahouse is less detailed, I only like their
    “Pierre Herme” cake set, that one's made pretty nicely.

    Yes, Megahouse is not producing miniatures anymore, but
    its parent (or sister??) company Bandai will start a new
    line. I'm waiting for their “Pierre Herme 2” to come

  • Mel
    Posted at 14:41h, 28 11 月 回覆

    I&#39;ll take pics of my collection and show u! Basically, i bought <br />
    stuff every day since last sunday! lunch..after <br /> bad!
    版主回覆:(11/28/2008 10:58:46 PM)
    Haha, these miniatures are very addictive, once you
    started, you couldn't stop. I was on ebay every night
    when I first started. Now is better, as I've seen quite
    a bit of the collections.

    Sure sure, send me the pic or post it on facebook and
    let me know 🙂

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