25 5 月 【聖米歇爾山】遺世獨立的海中城堡(二) – 中世紀山城

雖然天氣由風和日麗變到烏雲滿佈﹐有點小失望﹐但還是很期代的進城去看看 。
↓ 一進去就看見這間著名的餐館(遲些分享)﹐往前走去就是城門。
↓ 發現有個頗特殊的地方﹐就是山下的屋多數都是用木建成的﹔但山上的修道院和房屋大都是用磚蓋。
↓ 很古老﹐但有一種說不出的美 。
↓ 最接近修道院的一棟磚屋。
↓ 來仔細看看現今的街道﹐街燈是用鐵鍊吊著。
↓ 路與路之間狹窄非常﹐遊客也很多。
↓ 沿途兩旁都開滿了買記念品的店鋪。
↓ 亦有不少餐廳。
↓ 雖然城本身很美﹐但店鋪和餐廳為它加了一股穠厚的商業味﹐有一點點殺風景﹖
↓ 下回我們再來細看這古樸的《聖米歇爾修道院》。
Posted at 09:28h, 24 7 月OMG…. I just want to put this place as my togo list before I die.. I didn’t know you went there until now.. did you stay inside of the island for 1 nite? it is very pretty when you google the picture..LOL…
版主回覆:(07/25/2011 05:29:49 PM)
I didn’t like any of the hotels inside the island – too old, so we just did a day of road trip going there.
Perhaps we didn’t get to see the magic of the high tides (went during the wrong time of the month), we weren’t really impressed (。-_-。). But I agree that the photos taken during high tides are so pretty!
I would say south of France has many similar "villages" offering even more spectacular views (^_−)−☆ (check out Eze Village).