14 6 月 Re-ment – 我が家のこたつ (我家的和風被爐)
媽媽煮的家常便飯 – 有《すき焼き/ 壽喜燒》﹐點壽喜燒吃的蛋﹐白飯﹐味噌湯。
配菜有《海老天麩羅/ 大蝦天婦羅》
單身人士OT後回家的《外送/ 外賣》套餐
有《ラーメンと餃子/ 拉麵和餃子》
朋友聚會的另類料理 -《丼と鉄板/ 丼飯和鐵板燒》
有《カツ丼/ 炸豬排飯》
一起share的《天麩羅/ 雜錦天婦羅》
還有《お好焼 えび玉 / 蝦肉okonomiyaki》和《三色丼/ 三色魚生飯》
Posted at 14:06h, 15 6 月Cute! I like the gyoza 😀 Are you keeping these in the display case as well? Over the weekend, I went to buy 2 ‘dessert’ boxes (randomly)..kekee..i want #5 and #8..but, I got #7 and #2 instead ….did you end up buying any?
版主回覆:(06/16/2009 01:07:08 AM)
Yes, they’re at the bottom shelf of my display case 🙂
You started buying again? Have you found a way to display them yet?
I originally have my mind on #1 of the ‘dessert’ set; but gave up after taking a closer look at it – not that detailed from the pic 🙁
Do you like #2 & #7? Are they good?
Posted at 15:47h, 16 6 月Yes, past 2 weekends, finally, feel more normal and had energy to go out..saw 2 boxes left in City Super and saw a suitable model case…so, I ‘hand inch"..and bought the remaining 2 boxes to have the ‘surprise’ and suspense feeling..keke.. i just opened the box..didn’t really look into the detail yet…still in bag…back in box..!! You know..my mom bought me 2 boxes when she was in Tokyo in May..she is so cute..keke 😛 (I.e. i didn’t even ask her to buy!)
版主回覆:(06/17/2009 01:19:45 AM)
Your mom’s so nice, she thought of you when she was in Tokyo 🙂
My mom wouldn’t buy me miniatures for sure, she thinks it’s waste of $$ :p
Posted at 10:28h, 29 1 月看了半天才發現是mini版
超可愛的啦 !!!!
版主回覆:(01/30/2011 07:53:36 AM)
Posted at 17:00h, 31 8 月請問,這組和風被爐的桌子,願意割愛嗎?可以賣給我嗎?感恩
版主回覆:(09/01/2012 12:35:18 AM)