Louis Vuitton 長鏈鑰匙扣/吊飾,在金色長鍊上吊有7個色彩繽紛丶兩面不同顏色丶樓空雕刻的吊飾。9·5成新﹐吊掛過在包包上幾次而已。
約 22cm 長,附上一張吊掛在 Neverfull GM 上的照片作參考。吊飾是我購於巴黎Champs-Élysées旗艦店的﹐意大利製﹐會附上收據副本一份(如有需要正本也可以﹐不過以私隱為由﹐下半部份有我姓名﹑地址和護照號碼的部分會除去)。還包括 Louis Vuitton 原廠防塵袋﹐和原廠盒子加上小卡片。
Louis Vuitton multicolor looping chain key ring, with polished gold brass and has a ring on one end and a D-ring clasp on the other side. Features seven lovely charms, which are reversible with pop and pastel colors. This charm can be used as a standalone key chain or attached to your handbags (an example of attaching to the Neverfull GM is included for your reference).
Approx. 22cm (8.5″) in length. Includes original dust bag, original box readily packaged with a note card, a copy of receipt from Louis Vuitton boutique.
Louis Vuitton Looping Chain Key Ring – LV 長鏈鑰匙扣/吊飾
USD$380 | 郵費另計
聯絡 email: mctea@mctea-living.com
February 19, 2016
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